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Flight & hotel holiday deals to Mexico City

Holiday in Mexico City

Presentation of Mexico City

Mexico’s capital, Mexico City is located in the Valley of Mexico over 7,300 feet above sea level. It’s a city that’s vibrant and exciting, and it attracts many visitors who love its atmosphere, its great food, nightlife and, of course, its Mexican culture and history. If you’re planning to have a holiday in Mexico city, we can help. Our discount holidays are first-rate with comfortable hotel accommodation, and include a flight from London to Mexico City or a flight from Manchester to Mexico City.

Things to know before visiting Mexico City

With a British or other European Union passport, you can enter Mexico without a visa. All you need is your passport and a filled-in immigration form, which is available on arrival, or on board your flight to Mexico City, so make sure you have a pen handy. Other nationalities can find out if there are any special entry requirements from any Mexican Consulate. If you need to take medicines with you, make sure they’re in their original packaging, and if they’re prescription medicines or drugs, have a copy of the doctor’s prescription to show to Customs if asked. Take care of those formalities and you're all set for a terrific holiday in Mexico City, so browse our fantastic flight and hotel deals and look forward to a wonderful time ahead.

What is the Weather in Mexico City?

Mexico City has a subtropical-highland climate. Average daily temperatures in January can reach around 71°F, while in May, they often reach over 80°F. So there’s lots of warm sunshine around, and the cooler months also receive less rainfall. We offer our all-inclusive package holidays to Mexico City all year, so feel free to browse our low-cost holidays and make your dream trip to Mexico City a reality.

What places to visit in Mexico City?

Mexico City has no shortage of attractions. There’s much to see and do, so here are just a few suggestions:

That’s just a taster; there’s much more to see and do. Book one of our unbeatable flight and hotel deals and experience the incredible attractions of Mexico City.

What to Visit Around Mexico City

While you can never get enough of Mexico City, you can explore a little further afield with some interesting day trips, too. The ruins of the ancient city of Teotihuacan are located around 30 miles northeast. It’s a preserved World Heritage site with impressive pyramids and many other fascinating artefacts. A two-hour bus trip to the city of Puebla makes another great day out. Its 16th-century cathedral is magnificent and it has interesting museums, too. Check out our low-cost holidays so you can enjoy a first-rate package holiday in Mexico City and explore its interesting surrounding areas.

What to Eat in Mexico City

Just about any type of food you could wish for is easily found in Mexico City’s countless restaurants, cafes and snack bars. If you need special foods such as vegan, kosher or halal, its here, too. For Mexican cuisine, you’re obviously spoilt for choice; Burritos, chorizos, chalupas, tacos and much more are available everywhere. While fast food is available here as in almost every city in the world, Mexico City has also embraced the fashionable concept of ‘slow food’, where snacks are prepared using locally sourced ingredients and prepared using traditional methods. Browse our discount holiday deals, and book one of our excellent package holidays to Mexico City to enjoy the great choices of food available in the city.

Discover alternative travel destinations

If a getaway in Mexico City doesn't quite captivate you, why not venture into other vibrant cities? Explore our incredible flight and hotel bundles for your upcoming holiday escapade!