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Flight & hotel holiday deals to Carcassonne

Flight and hotel in Carcassonne

Presentation of Carcassonne

The medieval walled city of Carcassonne sits majestically on a rocky hilltop, the colourful turrets of towers jutting into blue sky like something in a fairy tale. The town has an ancient history stretching back to Gallo-Roman times, though the inner castle dates from the 12th century and major works to the city were carried out in the 13th and 14th centuries. This UNESCO World Heritage citadel is a place steeped in history and legend. There is also another Carcassonne sitting beneath the old town, a settlement dating from the Middle Ages that today is a charming place with quintessentially French cafes, bars, shops and restaurants. Start planning your holiday to Carcassonne and explore this fascinating city with our flight and hotel deals.

Things to know before visiting Carcassonne

France belongs to the European Union and has the euro as its currency. Carcassonne is one hour ahead of the UK. A flight from London to Carcassonne and a flight from Manchester to Carcassonne will both take about two hours. Carcassonne is served by Carcassonne Airport, which is around three miles from the city centre. Driving (by taxi or hire car) will take about 15 minutes, and there are also shuttle buses which connect with the medieval city, Gambetta Square and the train station. Compare holidays and book a flight to Carcassonne with us today.

What is the weather in Carcassonne?

Carcassonne is situated in the Languedoc region of southern France and, excepting Corsica, the climate here is the hottest in the country. Summers are typically Mediterranean, with long and hot sunny days. July is the hottest month with average temperatures of 23 degrees Celsius and average highs approaching 30 degrees, and this is closely followed by August, September and June. Spring and autumn are moderate with average highs around 15 degrees and winter is mild with average highs around 10 degrees. Whatever time of year you choose to go on holiday to Carcassonne, you’ll find fantastic holiday packages with us.

What to see in Carcassonne?

The main attraction in Carcassonne is, of course, the medieval citadel itself, with its double walls that stretch for just under two miles, its 52 watchtowers, drawbridge and numerous arches and decorative features. Be sure to check out the Porte Narbonnaise, the entrance gate to the citadel, and Porte d’Aude, a gate overlooking the river. Inside the citadel, you will find Chateau Comtal, a well-preserved 12th-century castle and museum, and the Basilica of Saints Nazarius and Celsus, a Roman Catholic church. Carcassonne Cathedral is worth a visit – this imposing, fortress-like structure dates from the 13th century. The picturesque Canal du Midi is another iconic draw and a good spot for cycling and boating. Take a look at our holiday packages for more inspiration for your holiday to Carcassonne.

What to eat in Carcassonne?

The Languedoc region of France has some wonderful food. Catalan influences abound as this Spanish region is a neighbour and typical dishes include hearty slow-cooked stews, seafood including oysters and mussels, and plates adorned with olives, truffles, wild mushrooms, and fruits such as apricots, peaches and figs. Olives are also made into a paste known as tapenade. Don’t miss these local specialities on your holiday to Carcassonne:

Browse our flight and hotel deals today to book your trip to this fascinating city.

What to bring from Carcassonne?

Food items are also a great choice when it comes to choosing souvenirs or gifts from your holiday to Carcassonne. You could choose from a selection of floral honey, such as lavender honey, or traditional goat’s cheese from the mountains. The Languedoc region is a major wine producer. If you enjoy the wine, you should certainly try some here. There are also plenty of citadel-themed souvenirs, from mugs and plates to T-shirts and jewellery. Compare holidays with us today.

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